
Kansai Airport opened a new LCC terminal

The new LCC terminal in Kansai International Airport

Kansai International Airport on October 28th opened its new terminal designated only for low-cost carriers(LCC) or low-cost airlines.
Peach Aviation exclusively uses the terminal for the time being running 8 lines and 18 round‐trip flight of domestic and international everyday.

関空LCCターミナル開業…天井の鉄骨むき出し ―YOMIURI ONLINE

Kansai International Airport, Kansai-kokusai-kuukou(関西国際空港) in Japanese is called "Kanku(関空)" when abbreviated in spoken words.


U.S. marine officer found dead in the train station

The U.S. Naval Base in Sasebo

Petty officer, second class, Samuel Lewis Stiles, 25 who belongs to the U.S. Fleet Activities Sasebo found dead on the platform of JR Haiki Station in Sasebo City, Nagasaki at 5AM on October 28th.
The right shoulder of his jacket was burnt and he was bleeding from the forehead. He appeared to have electric shock by touching a pantograph on the roof of the train stopping at the station. Police found cans of alcohol beverage on the floor and from his bag.

米軍兵士:駅ホームで死亡 電車に登り感電し転落か…長崎 ―毎日jp

USJ celebrated 100Mth visitor

Universal Studios Japan

Universal Studios Japan(USJ) on October 29th reached the total number of visitors of 100 million.
The record was made in 11 years and 7 months since it opened in March 2001.

USJ来場者、1億人を突破 開業11年7カ月 ―日本経済新聞


Japanese college students: Social media they use


Gaba, English school conducted internet research on 1,000 Japanese under graduate and graduate college students, 500 who have experienced job hunting and the rest never about their SNS use.

SNS currently using

Twitter - 58.7%
mixi - 56.5%
LINE - 43.9%
Facebook - 42.5%
Mobage - 40.6%
GREE - 37.1%
Google+ - 11.4%
Instagram - 3.1%
LinkedIn - 0.85
Flickr - 0.5%

SNS becoming popular now

Facebook - 49.4%
LINE - 44.7%
Twitter - 38.2%
Google+ - 12.5%
mixi - 8.3%
GREE - 5.5%
Mobage - 5.3%
Instagram - 4.4%
Flickr - 3.0%
Pinterest - 1.9%

SNS used for job hunting

Facebook - 25.4%
Twitter - 21.6%
mixi - 8.6%
Google+ - 4.2%
LINE - 4.6%
GREE - 1.6%
Mobage - 1.2%
Instagram - 0.4%
Flickr - 0.4%
Pinterest - 0.2%

就職に役立つSNS、1位「Facebook」 ―リセマム

[Windows 8] Release night in Akihabara

Windows 8 ad trailers in Akihabara

Electronics shop in Akihabara, Tokyo at 0:00 October 26th released Windows 8.

Photos 1 ―アキバBlog
Photos 2 ―ギズモード・ジャパン
Photos 3 ―Seaside Tears 2
Photos 4 ―ITmedia PC USER

Windows 8 Limited Pack [Ai Madobe version]

Windows 8 Limited Pack [Yuu Madobe version]

"Madobe(窓辺)", the family name of the two girls means "window side" in Japanese.


Akihabara maids harvested rice grown in the city

Ladies dressed in maid reaped rice on the roof of a building in Akihabara, Tokyo in October 24th.
The NPO project started in 2009 expects 2 kilograms(4.4 pounds) of rice this year used for bento(packed meal) soled at around Akihabara Station.

秋葉原でメイドらが稲刈り アキバ米の生育良好!! ―MSN産経ニュース


Japan 101st on WEF "The Global Gender Gap Report"

The World Economic Forum(WEF) in "The Global Gender Gap Report 2012" revealed its evaluation for countries about equality of the sexes in politics, economics, health and education. Japan was 101st among 135 countries, 3 lower than the last year.
Female member of an assemblies and executives are rare in Japan. Female workforce is not effectively used in labour market though their education level is high, the report says.

男女平等ランク、日本101位に転落 上位4位は北欧 ―朝日新聞デジタル


A Keio University student dead after drinking alcohol

Keio University, Tokyo

A student of Keio University had been dead in June this year after drinking too much alcohol at a club gathering.
The university had already disolved the club. The cause of the student's death is seen as acute alcohol poisoning.

慶応大生が多量飲酒で死亡 一気飲み勧め 公認サークルを解散処分 ―MSN産経ニュース


Over 2.12M people on welfare

Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare revealed that the number of people receiving welfare public assistance from the government was record high of 2,124,669 in July 2012 increased 9,192 from previous month.
The number of households on welfare was 1,549,773 increased 6,989 from the month before. Among them, 671,572 or 40 percents were elderly households, 298,703 were households with the sick or the injured and 283,062 were others including the households with people capable of working.

生活保護受給者、最多を更新 7月時点で212万人超 ―朝日新聞デジタル


30 percents of school roads without sidewalk

School road

30 percents or 13,103 kilometer(8,142 miles) of national and prefectural road designated as school road had not had sidewalks by the end of March 2011, Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism revealed.
School road is defined by Traffic Safety Act as a road used more than 40 students per a day or a road located less than a kilometer from a school.

通学路:歩道なし30%、簡易整備だけ12% 国交省調査 ―毎日jp


2012 Miss International won by a Japanese lady

Ikumi Yoshimatsu

Ikumi Yoshimatsu a 25-year-old Japanese female model won Miss International 2012 held in Naha, Okinawa for the first time as Japanese.
"Women will be opinion leaders in next generation. I talked about what action I would like to take in my speech."
She works as the sightseeing ambassador of her home city, Tosu City, Saga from March 2012.

ミス・インターナショナル 吉松さん 日本人Vは初 ―東京新聞


12 year old boy passed the Certified Weather Forecaster qualification

Yuki Kai a 12 year old boy living in Nagoya City passed qualification to become a Certified Weather Forecaster.
He became the youngest to hold the license at the age of 12 years and 11 months. Among 3,986 who took the qualification, 167 passed this time.

気象予報士に最年少12歳が合格 名古屋の中1 ―日本経済新聞


Annual income of Japanese keeps dropping

Average annual income of Japanese workers was 4.09 million yen last year dropped 30,000 yen from the year before.
It was 4.67 million yen in 1997 when peaked.
Number of workers whose annual income was less than 2 million yen was 10.69 million or 23.4 percent increased 0.4 percent. Number of workers who received annual income of more than 10 million yen was 1.78 million or 3.9 percent also increased.
National Tax Agency researched 45.66 million Japanese who work for a private company.

サラリーマン 平均年収下がる ―NHKニュース