"Love Live!" train on Tokyo Yamanote Line
Yamanote Line, probably the most famous railway loop line in Japan started operating "Love Live!" train on Dec. 23, holding the attentions of otaku in Tokyo.
The train will be running till Jan. 5.
The anime second series will start in spring 2014.
【ラブライブ!】JR山手線に「μ’sラッピングトレイン」がきたぁぁああ!!!! ―虹神速報-にじそく
Madoka Magica earned 1B yen breaking K-ON!
"OJIMAJO 5" 5 middle aged men transform to be magical girls
Which anime were most talked about in this summer? Tweets rankings.
Anime that made us cry
Strongest anime girl (No magic)
"OJIMAJO 5" 5 middle aged men transform to be magical girls
"Magical Middle Age OJIMAJO 5" is a story about five middle aged men transforming to magical girls.
The official web site was opened on Dec. 21. to become topical because of the visuals of the magical middle aged men.
It is going to be played by Joji Nakata as a 55-year-old company CEO, Toshihiko Seki as a 52-year-old downgraded employee with unimportant job, Daisuke Namikawa as a 33-year-old man who has just started working in the company, Kazuya nakai as a 47-year-old global sales magnager, Yasunori Matsumoto as a designer and Akira Ishida as a 12-year-old cat.
The project will release drama CD in 2014 and sell tin badges on the Comic Market 85 held from Dec. 29 to 31.
おっさん5人が“魔女っ娘”に、豪華声優で「魔法☆中年 おじまじょ5」。 ―ニコニコニュース
魔法☆中年 おじまじょ5
Madoka Magica earned 1B yen breaking K-ON!
Comic Market 84 2013 Summer gathered 590,000 fans
Comic Market 2013 Summer Catalog is out
The best heroine in Japanese anime history -NHK Shibuya Animeland
Feminising! the world's dictators
Dowango to collect examination fee from job appllicants
Dowango will collect 2,525("niconico" in Japanese pronunciation) yen examination fee from applicants for their job in 2015.
It will employ approximately 40 engineers and a few planners at this time, and will not return the money in all cases.
The company which is famous for its video-sharing service Niconico says that it wants to create waves in Japanese traditional way of periodic new graduate recruitment, and take the exam should be taken by those who truly want to work with Dowango.
Japanese collage students traditionally apply for 30 to 100 information session, forums or interviews of jobs by an year before their graduation.
新卒入社試験に受験料「2525円」 ドワンゴの「一石を投じる」試みに賛否 ―ITmediaニュース
Number of Japanese Facebook users in a steep decline
Increasing workers and decreasing full time workers
630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young
One out of five workers is over 60
Google.co.jp Yearly Search Word Ranking 2012
Over 40 percent of young males do not want to get married
60 percent answered "I am getting married.", "I want to get married." or "I want if I could." while 40 percent answered "I do not want to get married." on the research by Researchbank revealed.
The research was conducted to 1,200 males and females aged between 20 to 49 in Sep.
39.4 percent hold negative opinion to marriage, a huge increase form 26.6 percent acquired from the same research in 2011.
The biggest increases were observed in male and females in their twenties, growing from 25.2 to 40.5 percent and from 19.5 to 24 percent.
Males who answered "I would rather not get married." or "I do not want to get married." were 40.5 percent in twenties, 39.0 percent in thirties and 51.0 percent in forties.
そもそも「結婚したくない」人たちが急速に増加中! ―リアルライブ
1 out of 3 single female desire to be a housewife
Over 50 percent of Japanese does not have a friend
The highest percentage of lifetime singles
630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young
One out of three males in their 20s, "Maybe I can't get married."
Madoka Magica earned 1B yen breaking K-ON!
"Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Movie Rebellion", the third film of the series surpassed box-office revenue of one billion yen, Warner Bros. announced on Nov. 8.
It collected 1,004,538,650 yen and 722,527 audiences for 13 days after released breaking the record made by "K-ON!(film)".
It could earn over 1.9 billion yen overwhelming "K-ON!".
劇場版『まどか☆マギカ』が興収10億円突破!深夜アニメ最速での達成 ―シネマトゥデイ
Which anime were most talked about in this summer? Tweets rankings.
Anime recommendations for summer
Strongest anime girl (No magic)
Anime that made us cry
New "Dragon Ball Z" film gathers 1M viewers in 6 days
Euglena hamburg steak appeared in Denny's
Euglena, a company started from the University of Tokyo has been serving hamburg steak which contains euglenas at Denny's restaurants since Oct. 29.
The hamburg meal which contains euglena from Ishigaki Island, Okinawa is 1,240 yen.
Euglena is a sort of alga which contains 59 types of nutrients including vitamins and amino acid.
The company is studying euglena to apply it for future resource from cookies to jet fuel.
ミドリムシ入りハンバーグ、ファミレスに登場 ―日本経済新聞
ミドリムシの入ったハンバーグをデニーズで食べてきました ―GIGAZINE
Excessive amount of cesium found from Italian blueberry jam
LOTTERIA to introduce unusual twin burger
Over 1,000 Starbucks in Japan
McDonald's sales in a steep decline
Order Domino's Pizza through Hatsune Miku App
Sharp introduces chopping tablet
Sharp Europe revealed prototype of the new interactive chopping board "Chop-Syc".
You can touch, use Wi-Fi, measure and calculate while cutting ingredients on it.
包丁を使えるタブレット?--タッチスクリーン搭載の“まな板”が登場 ―japan.internet.com
Fujitsu lets you know when cows are on heat
Japan may be the home of iPhone
Yanmar's coolest agricultural tractor
[SONY WALKMAN] music and swimming
[Windows 8] Release night in Akihabara
Excessive amount of cesium found from Italian blueberry jam
Shibuya-ku ordered MIEPROJECT located in Shibuya, Tokyo to collect blueberry jam it is importing from Italy due to excessive amount of cesium included.
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health on Oct. 18 detected 140 becquerels of cesium per kilogram from the jam which is over the reference value.
Approximately 5,000 bins of jam will be collected.
The authority speculates the cesium is from Chernobyl disaster occurred in 1986.
輸入ジャムからセシウム検出 ―NHK NEWS WEB
1 out of 3 single female desire to be a housewife
TEPCO to pay 500M bonus to employees
50,000 yen penalty for riding bicycles on the right side
Countries of the best local food - Hotels.com
Hot Products Rankings 2012 - Nikkei Trendy
Fujitsu lets you know when cows are on heat
Fujitsu from this October starts web cloud service which notifies farmers when their cows coming into rut for mating in Asia and Europe.
Traditionally, daily farmers had to cut down their sleep to watch their cows during mating season.
牛の種付け「今でしょ」 発情をクラウドで監視・通知 富士通 ―SankeiBiz
Japan may be the home of iPhone
Yanmar's coolest agricultural tractor
Number of Japanese Facebook users in a steep decline
Google.co.jp Yearly Search Word Ranking 2012
Yahoo! Japan Search Word Ranking 2012
GP-musume appeared on Suzuka for Formula-1
"GP-musume" in RedBull and Ferrari team wear appeared on Suzuka Circuit for "2013 FORMULA 1 JAPANESE GRAND PRIX" raced on Oct. 13.
This is the third time appearance following 2012 and 2011 GP.
鈴鹿サーキットに“GP娘”が登場。クルーらも注目 ―AUTOSPORT web
Yanmar's coolest agricultural tractor
2012 car sales ranking in Japan
Official formula machine of police in Saitama
Car of the Year 2012-2013 won by CX-5
Suzuki reached 20M kei-car sales in Japan
Japan may be the home of iPhone
Kantar Japan researched sales share of iOS and Android in eight countries including Japan from June to August this year.
Which anime were most talked about in this summer? Tweets rankings.
Animeengine analysed real-time Twitter tweets collected during the broadcasting hours of each anime from Jul. 1 to Sep. 30.
The results shows which anime had made buzz on the internet in last quarter.
70-year-old guy dead after stealing an underwear
Approximately 70-year-old male died from falling down from his bicycle being on the run after stealing an underwear.
He was found by a resident when trying to steal an underwear on the balcony at 4 am on Semtember 28th in Osaka City. He fell down after running away few metres. He once stood up but fell down again. He was dead two hours after transported to the hospital.
There was an female underwear in his bicycle basket.
【大阪変態事件簿】 下着を盗んだ70代男性 追いかけられて転んで死亡 ―えび速
A man burned the city hall with petrol bombs
Man restrained on selling plaster casts of female genitalia
Stalking cases rose 36 percent
U.S. Forces officer became naked and urinated inside an internet cafe
A man with knife took 4 hostages at a Toyokawa Shinkin Bank
1 out of 3 single female desire to be a housewife
Japanese single female aged between 15 and 39
Q: Do you want to be a housewife?
34.2% said YES or rather YES.
38.5% said NO or rather NO.
Japanese single male aged between 15 and 39
Q: Do you want your spouse to be a housewife?
19.3% said YES or rather YES.
30.2% said NO or rather NO.
Japanese single and married female
Q: How much monthly income do you expect to your husband?
40.8% said 200,000 - 300,000 yen.
24.8% said 300,000 - 400,000 yen.
Research was conducted by a think factory consigned from the Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare on the internet to 3,133 people between the age of 15 and 39.
独身女性、3人に1人が専業主婦希望 厚労省調査 ―日本経済新聞
Over 50 percent of Japanese does not have a friend
The highest percentage of lifetime singles
630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young
One out of three males in their 20s, "Maybe I can't get married."
90 percents of Japanese men think economically supporting family is husband's role
50,000 yen penalty for riding bicycles on the right side
New traffic laws for bicycles in Japan.
By December 13th 2013
1. Bicycles must not run inside the side strip on the right side of the road. 3 months of penal servitude or penalty of 50,000 yen, if violated.
2. Police officers can stop bicycles without an effective break.
By June 13th 2015
1. Ignoring traffic light or drunk driving twice or more is obligated to take training courses. Penalty of 50,000 yen or less if not taken.
自転車の右側走行で罰金5万円!?道路交通法施行規則の一部改正が話題に ―さまざまなめりっと
Over 50 percent of Japanese does not have a friend
TEPCO to pay 500M bonus to employees
8yo girl voted instead of her father
The highest percentage of lifetime singles
630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young
Over 50 percent of Japanese does not have a friend
National Institute of Social Security and Population Research 2010
1. Approximately 90 percent of unmarried people between 18 and 39 have yearning for marriage.
2. Approximately 60 percent of male and 50 percent of female does not have a boyfriend, girlfriend or a friend.
交際相手いない若者、男性6割・女性5割 ―YOMIURI ONLINE
The highest percentage of lifetime singles
630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young
One out of three males in their 20s, "Maybe I can't get married."
90 percents of Japanese men think economically supporting family is husband's role
Japanese 20s lose over 20M yen by subscribing for the Welfare Pension
Every high school student pays 50,000 yen for tablet
Public high school students in the first grade have to pay 50,000 yen for Windows 8 tablet device from 2014, Saga Prefectural Board of Education announced.
Every student who will enter public high school in the prefecture will be required to buy this "standard teaching material".
デジタル教科書 大きい負担 佐賀県の県立高校、教材のタブレット代5万円は自己負担、教科書費用は別途必要 ―ハフィントンポスト
11 yo boy plunged into a train in Osaka
Number of Japanese studying abroad students keeps decreasing
Educational expenses of Japanese family is 1.91M yen
Waseda University's plan for 150th anniversary educates global leaders
30 percents of school roads without sidewalk
Anime recommendations for summer
This article lists up anime recommended for summer vacations found on some Japanese websites and BBS in alphabetical order.
Clicking on the image leads to anime websites.
Increasing workers and decreasing full time workers
The average number of temporary employees between April and June was 18.81 million increased 1.06 million from last year, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications revealed on Aug. 13.
Total number of workers has been increased 530,000, however number of full time workers on the other hand has been dropped 530,000.
進む雇用不安 労働者増、実は正社員減 ―東京新聞 TOKYO Web
Summer bonuses increased 64,000 yen
630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young
One out of five workers is over 60
Japanese salary in 2012 was the lowest in 22 years
110 applicants for 1060 jobs. Welfare job meeting in Kagawa
Comic Market 84 2013 Summer gathered 590,000 fans
Comic Market 84 held on Aug. 10, 11 and 12 gathered 590,000 otaku in three days at Tokyo Big Sight. The temperature at the site topped 42.2 degrees centigrade.
Cosplay Photo 2
Cosplay Photo 3
Cosplay Photo 4
Cosplay Photo 5
Cosplay Photo 6
Cosplay Photo 7
Cosplay Photo 8
Cosplay Photo 9
Cosplay Photo 10
Comic Market 2013 Summer Catalog is out
Comic Market 82 attracted 560,000 visitors in 3 days
The 82nd Comic Market catalog is released in Akihabara and bookstores in Japan
[2012 Winter] Comic Market 83, cosplayers
Comic Market 83 Catalog is released
Strongest anime girl (No magic)
Female anime characters who have the strongest physical and mental power.
Research Method: Vote on NTT docomo "Everyone's Voice"
Votes cast: 5,135
Term: 6/16/2013 - 6/29/2013
Yanmar's coolest agricultural tractor
Yanmar revealed concept model of its new tractor designed by Kiyoyuki Okuyama known as the designer of Enzo Ferrari, Ferrari California and Chevrolet Camaro.
Its production model will be released for domestic market in 2015.
Yanmar celebrated the centennial anniversary of foundation in March last year.
スポーツカー意識したトラクター ヤンマーが試作機 ―日本経済新聞
2012 car sales ranking in Japan
[SONY WALKMAN] music and swimming
Car of the Year 2012-2013 won by CX-5
[Windows 8] Release night in Akihabara
[iPhone v. Android] Which is the recommendation of Japanese who have used both?
7-Eleven "SEVEN CAFE" surpassed 100M cups
Convenience store 7-Eleven Japan on July 18 announced that it sold over 100 million cups of "SEVEN CAFE" drip coffee since the launch of the service in this January.
Currently, approximately 12,500 stores are serving coffee made inside each store. Each store sells 83 cups everyday in average.
It aims at 450 million cups in the first year.
「セブンカフェ」が1億杯突破、1日1店舗あたりの販売数は約83杯。 ―Narinari.com
Coffee consumptions in Japan and the world
Over 1,000 Starbucks in Japan
Which coffee chains do Japanese like?
Starbucks inside a city library
"McCafe" by Mcdonald's opened at Harajuku
TEPCO to pay 500M bonus to employees
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc(TEPCO) on July 22 will pay 100,000 yen to all employee who is holding an administrative position as a section chief or above, for putting the breaks on drain of human resources. Approximately 5,000 employees will receive this bonus which amount to 500 milliom yen in total.
It cut 30 percent of salary in managers grades and 20 percent in other grades. 1,286 employees resigned their post voluntarily including 51 managers by this June.
東電管理職に10万円一時金 社員優遇に疑問符 ―東京新聞 TOKYO Web
Members of a USS crew filed suit against TEPCO
Tohoku Earthquake, 2,814 people are still missing
71,900 cars wrecked by 3.11 earthquake and tsunami were removed
Radio active caesium detected from 0.1% of children in Fukushima
The former PM Hatoyama joined Anti-nuclear demonstration
10 beautiful short animation works by nonprofessionals
Okashina Hotel(Strange Hotel)
by Michio Mihara in 2008
A man burned the city hall with petrol bombs
A 63-year-old jobless man at 9:40 am on July 12th burned Takarazuka City Hall throwing two petrol bombs at a reception desk.
600 staffs and citizens evacuated from the building and 5 were injured.
The man arrested deposed that he lost his temper for receiving the demand letter of property tax he has been defaulted.
The office cancelled all of its business on July 12th.
火炎瓶で市役所ロビーが炎に 5人けが ―NHKニュース
Man restrained on selling plaster casts of female genitalia
Yabusoba, the famous traditional soba restaurant was destroyed in a fire
11 yo boy plunged into a train in Osaka
A man with knife took 4 hostages at a Toyokawa Shinkin Bank
Two thunderbolts killed ladies at park in Osaka
8yo girl voted instead of her father
A 36-year-old father let his 8-year-old daughter to vote on early voting of the House of Councillors election on July 10th at a polling station in Kasai City, Hyogo.
"We have to validate the vote as long as we could not specify her vote in the box." the Committee for Election Administration in the city said.
The early voting could be accepted until July 20th, the day before the voting day.
参院選:8歳児が投票…父親の用紙に記入し投票箱へ…兵庫 ―毎日jp
Man restrained on selling plaster casts of female genitalia
Stalking cases rose 36 percent
Yabusoba, the famous traditional soba restaurant was destroyed in a fire
U.S. Forces officer became naked and urinated inside an internet cafe
Family arrested for hiding a machine gun and grenades in their house
Summer bonuses increased 64,000 yen
Average amount of summer bonuses received by Japanese workers are 559,000 yen, 64,000 yen increase from the last summer Nippon Life Insurance Company(Nissay) revealed.
The research was done on the internet acquired 10,386 participants.
According to the result, the ratio of people who responded that their bonus was increased was 51.7 percent in twenties and was 35.1 percent in fifties. On the other hand, the people who said that it decreased was 6.0 percent in twenties and was 15.3 percent in fifties.
It is assumed that the fact that more percentages of people are working as a temporary employee or a contracted employee whose compensation structure is apt to reflect corporate performances of company in twenties compared to older generations affected the result.
夏のボーナス6万4000円増 日生調 ―MSN産経ニュース
630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young
One out of five workers is over 60
Japanese salary in 2012 was the lowest in 22 years
Educational expenses of Japanese family is 1.91M yen
Annual income of Japanese keeps dropping
Man restrained on selling plaster casts of female genitalia
A fifty-year-old man in Shizuoka on June 27th was sent to the public prosecutor's office on Distribution of Obscene Objects selling plaster casts of female genitalia in internet auctions.
He sold plaster casts of approximately 80 women whom he met through online dating web site for from 1,500 to 20,000 yen each. He paid the models 20,000 yen at most.
女性器の石膏型販売で送検 「自分よりうまい人間いない」 ―MSN産経ニュース
Stalking cases rose 36 percent
Yabusoba, the famous traditional soba restaurant was destroyed in a fire
U.S. Forces officer became naked and urinated inside a internet cafe
A man with knife took 4 hostages at a Toyokawa Shinkin Bank
Family arrested for hiding a machine gun and grenades in their house
The highest percentage of lifetime singles
The average age of Japanese women experiencing her first childbirth surpassed 30 and the percentage of lifetime unmarried people was 20.14 among male and 10.61 among female, the government's "Provision for Aging Population White Paper" decided on June 25th noted.
In addition, the percentage responded "I am never going to married in my life." was 9.4 among male and 6.8 among female, which was an all-time high.
初産年齢30歳超す 「一生結婚しない」男女とも最高 少子化白書を決定 ―日本経済新聞
One out of three males in their 20s, "Maybe I can't get married."
90 percents of Japanese men think economically supporting family is husband's role
630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young
30 percents of school roads without sidewalk
Number of child abuse cases hit the record of 248 during the first half of 2012
Amazon.co.jp Best of 2013 The First Half: comic rankings
Amazon.co.jp revealed "Best of 2013 The First Half", its sales rankings calculated from the data acquired between December 1st 2012 and May 31st 2013.
Here is the rankings of comic books section.
Amazon.co.jp Best of 2013 The First Half: Light Novels rankings
Amazon.co.jp revealed "Best of 2013 The First Half", its sales rankings calculated from the data acquired between December 1st 2012 and May 31st 2013.
Here is the rankings of light novels section.
630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on June 18th announced that the ratio of "NEET", who is not involved in job or school among young people marked the highest since it started collecting statistics in 1995.
The number of NEET is 630,000 between the age of 15 and 34.
Number of NEET in each generation
15-19: 90,000
20-24: 170,000
25-29: 180,000
30-34: 180,000
「ニート」 過去最多の2.3% ―NHKニュース
11 yo boy plunged into a train in Osaka
One out of five workers is over 60
Number of Japanese studying abroad students keeps decreasing
Japanese 20s lose over 20M yen by subscribing for the Welfare Pension
Educational expenses of Japanese family is 1.91M yen
LOTTERIA to introduce unusual twin burger
Fast food chain Lotteria will start serving "Shrimp Superb Twin Burger" from July 4th.
It is the combination of "Shrimp Burger" which have been served at the restaurants since 1977 and one of its best-selling hamburgers "Superb Cheese Burger". It will be served for 500 yen for a sandwich till July 31st.
見た目が斬新すぎる!! ロッテリア、「エビ・絶品ツインバーガー」期間限定販売 7月4日より ―ウーマンエキサイト
McDonald's sales in a steep decline
KFC x Dragon Ball Z, Colonel Sanders in the battle suit
Order Domino's Pizza through Hatsune Miku App
Free BIG Mac. McDonald's 60 seconds rule
Mcdonald's Japan Hamburger General Election
Over 1,000 Starbucks in Japan

A Starbucks cafe at Dazaifu Tenman-gū shrine in Fukuoka
Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks on May 10th in Tokyo announced that the number of cafe in Japan will top 1,000 in 2013.
Japan would be the first region for the coffee chain to have more than 1,000 cafes except North America.
It opened the first cafe at Ginza, Tokyo in 1996, and had been managing 985 cafes across the nation at the end of this March. It plans to open approximately 65 more till the end of the next March.
スターバックス、年内に日本で1千店突破へ 北米以外では初 ―SankeiBiz
"Silkworms Cafe" opened in Osaka
Which coffee chains do Japanese like?
Starbucks inside a city library
Coffee consumptions in Japan and the world
"McCafe" by Mcdonald's opened at Harajuku
One out of five workers is over 60

The number of employments who are sixty years old or older in 2012 rose by 170,000 from the previous year to 11,920,000, marking the largest continuously six years, according to the Research of Labor Force of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
- 19.0% of Japanese workers is over sixty.
- The number of Japanese workers over sixty has risen by 3.1 million for the past ten years.
- 57.7% of Japanese population aged between 60 to 64 is working.
働くシニア1192万人 6年連続最多更新 就業者の2割 総務省調査 ―MSN産経ニュース
Next 50 years, which Japanese companies will survive?
Japanese salary in 2012 was the lowest in 22 years
110 applicants for 1060 jobs. Welfare job meeting in Kagawa
Japan 101st on WEF "The Global Gender Gap Report"
Over 2.12M people on welfare
Next 50 years, which Japanese companies will survive?

Honda "CIVIC(1972)"
Which Japanese companies will survive through the next 50 years?
Risk Monster acquired one thousand valid responses on the internet from knowledgeable people aged between 20 and 59, and people aged between 60 and 69.
Japan became the largest music market
International Federation of Phonogram and Videogram Producers(IFPI) on April 8th announced that Japan became the largest market of music software sales in the world including CDs and music data downloads in 2012.
Japan sold 4.3 billion dollars of music software in last year, the United States on the other hands sold 4.1 billion dollars.
Mr. Children's "[(an imitation) blood orange]" selling about 1.3 million disks acquired the 29th place in the best-selling album rankings, which is the highest among Japanese artists.
日本が音楽ソフト・配信で1位に、2012年売上が米国上回る ―INTERNET Watch
[SONY WALKMAN] music and swimming
Dowango Mobile 2012 Anime song download ranking
Apple's "Siri" will make CD debut
AKB48 overpowers on Single CD Sales Rankings 2012 - Oricon
Which songs are the most popular at karaoke house?("hitokara") -JOYSOUND
2012 car sales ranking in Japan

The domestic sales rankings of the new cars in 2012 was revealed on April 4th.
In addition to small and cheap kei-cars, hybrid cars sold great numbers receiving the benefit of government's tax reduction for environmentally friendly vehicles.
New "Dragon Ball Z" film gathers 1M viewers in 6 days

Anime movie "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods" unveiled at 312 theatres across Japan on Saturday of March 30th marked over 500,000 viewers and 680 million yen of box office revenue in the weekend.
It at the point of April 3rd recording 988,790 viewers and 1,146,467,600 yen of box office revenue, ensured reaching a million viewers by April 4th. It would be the fastest pace among the films of this year to top a million viewers.
映画「ドラゴンボールZ」今年最速!公開6日間で100万人突破へ! ―livedoorニュース
KFC x Dragon Ball Z, Colonel Sanders in the battle suit
Amazon.co.jp 2012 Best Seller Anime DVD/BD Ranking
The best heroine in Japanese anime history -NHK Shibuya Animeland
Dowango Mobile 2012 Anime song download ranking
"HMV BEST OF 2012" Anime DVD/BD sales rankings
Ministry of Finance doesn't issue 2,000 yen bills

Ministry of Finance Japan does not issue 2,000 yen bills this year. It issued 770 million copies of the bill for the first time in 2000, then in 2003 issued 110 million. However, it would be ten years since it stopped making the new bills.
1.05 billion 10,000 yen bills, 380 million 5,000 yen bills and 1.72 billion 1,000 yen bills will be issued in this financial year.
2千円札、10年連続で製造せず…財務省 ―YOMIURI ONLINE
Japanese salary in 2012 was the lowest in 22 years
Educational expenses of Japanese family is 1.91M yen
Annual income of Japanese keeps dropping
Japanese educational expenses outside schools
Japanese 20s lose over 20M yen by subscribing for the Welfare Pension
Stalking cases rose 36 percent

According to Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, 19,920 stalking cases were reported in Japan in 2012 increased by 36.3 percent from previous year. It was the highest number since 2000.
In addition, the number of domestic violence cases between partners were 43,950 increased by 28.0 percent. It has broken a record continuously nine years.
ストーカー過去最多=DVは4万件超す-「敷居低くなった」・警察庁 ―時事ドットコム
Yabusoba, the famous traditional soba restaurant was destroyed in a fire
11 yo boy plunged into a train in Osaka
Nuisance emailing is not prohibited in 33 prefectures
Where in Japan do you want to live? - SeikatsuGuide.com
Number of child abuse cases hit the record of 248 during the first half of 2012
McDonald's sales in a steep decline

Idaho Burger 360-410 yen
Sales of McDonald's Japan in February decreased by 12.1 percent from the same month in last year. In January, it dropped by 17.0 percent. Its monthly sales has been below the results of previous year eleven times in a row.
マクドナルド、2か月連続で売上げ2ケタ減 10年ぶりの低迷に ―J-CASTニュース
KFC x Dragon Ball Z, Colonel Sanders in the battle suit
Free BIG Mac. McDonald's 60 seconds rule
Mcdonald's Japan Hamburger General Election
"McCafe" by Mcdonald's opened at Harajuku
Order Domino's Pizza through Hatsune Miku App
Domino's Pizza Japan has released pizza ordering app for iPhone collaborated with vocaloid, Hatsune Miku. The pizza will be delivered with Hatsune Miku bike in special Hatsune Miku boxes until May 12th.
Army's deer hunting operation in Hokkaido

Ezo Deer
Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, the prefecture and the town on March 1st together carried out deer hunting operation in Shiranuka-cho, Hokkaido.
The operation has been started three years ago to prevent deer damage to agricultural produce.
On the first day, mobilizing helicopter and snowmobile into the operation 28 deer were caught.
陸自がヘリ、スノーモービル投入…シカ捕獲作戦 ―YOMIURI ONLINE
Members of a USS crew filed suit against TEPCO
U.S. Forces officer became naked and urinated inside a internet cafe
Finally, the first snow fall in Sapporo and Asahikawa
Flies outbroke in Hokkaido
The U.S. F-16 fighter crashed into the sea near Nemuro
KFC x Dragon Ball Z, Colonel Sanders in the battle suit

KFC on February 15th launched collaboration sales campaign with anime film "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods". Statues of Colonel Sanders cosplayed in the fighting suit appeared in front of the seven KFC restaurants all across Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
●Sapporo, Hokkaido
●Sendai, Miyagi
●Ebisu, Tokyo
●Sakae, Nagoya, Aichi
●Osaka City, Osaka
●Hakata, Fukuoka
●Naha, Okinawa
【画像】「ドラゴンボールZ 神と神」 KFCカーネル・サンダース、悟空に変身wwwwwwwwwww ―アルファルファモザイク
"K-ON! x Glico" hijacked Akihabara Station
Free BIG Mac. McDonald's 60 seconds rule
Rice of anime "Hyouka" will be released
Mercedes's anime "NEXT A-Class" on YouTube
Post Office released anime "Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne" postage stamps
Japanese restaurants won the 1st and the 2nd on "The Asia's 50 Best Restaurant 2013"

Restaurant "Ryugin"
"NARISAWA", a French restaurant in Aoyama, Tokyo and "Ryugin(龍吟)", a traditional Japanese restaurant in Roppongi, Tokyo listed as the first and the second place on "The Asia's 50 Best Restaurant 2013" sponsored by Italian mineral water S.Pellegrino.
In addition, nine other restaurants in Tokyo and Osaka were ranked within the best fifty. Japanese restaurants in Sri Lanka, India and Singapore were also chosen on the list.
日本の料理店が1、2位 アジアのベストレストラン ―日本経済新聞
The Asia's 50 Best Restaurant
Yabusoba, the famous traditional soba restaurant was destroyed in a fire
"Silkworms Cafe" opened in Osaka
"ONE PIECE" Sanji's pirates recipes
"From Japan with Love (And Dashi)": 3 min video tour of Japan
Countries of the best local food - Hotels.com
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