
"Love Live!" train on Tokyo Yamanote Line

Yamanote Line, probably the most famous railway loop line in Japan started operating "Love Live!" train on Dec. 23, holding the attentions of otaku in Tokyo.
The train will be running till Jan. 5.
The anime second series will start in spring 2014.

【ラブライブ!】JR山手線に「μ’sラッピングトレイン」がきたぁぁああ!!!! ―虹神速報-にじそく

Madoka Magica earned 1B yen breaking K-ON!

"OJIMAJO 5" 5 middle aged men transform to be magical girls

Which anime were most talked about in this summer? Tweets rankings.

Anime that made us cry

Strongest anime girl (No magic)


"OJIMAJO 5" 5 middle aged men transform to be magical girls

"Magical Middle Age OJIMAJO 5" is a story about five middle aged men transforming to magical girls.
The official web site was opened on Dec. 21. to become topical because of the visuals of the magical middle aged men.
It is going to be played by Joji Nakata as a 55-year-old company CEO, Toshihiko Seki as a 52-year-old downgraded employee with unimportant job, Daisuke Namikawa as a 33-year-old man who has just started working in the company, Kazuya nakai as a 47-year-old global sales magnager, Yasunori Matsumoto as a designer and Akira Ishida as a 12-year-old cat.
The project will release drama CD in 2014 and sell tin badges on the Comic Market 85 held from Dec. 29 to 31.

おっさん5人が“魔女っ娘”に、豪華声優で「魔法☆中年 おじまじょ5」。 ―ニコニコニュース

魔法☆中年 おじまじょ5

Madoka Magica earned 1B yen breaking K-ON!

Comic Market 84 2013 Summer gathered 590,000 fans

Comic Market 2013 Summer Catalog is out

The best heroine in Japanese anime history -NHK Shibuya Animeland

Feminising! the world's dictators


Dowango to collect examination fee from job appllicants

Dowango will collect 2,525("niconico" in Japanese pronunciation) yen examination fee from applicants for their job in 2015.
It will employ approximately 40 engineers and a few planners at this time, and will not return the money in all cases.
The company which is famous for its video-sharing service Niconico says that it wants to create waves in Japanese traditional way of periodic new graduate recruitment, and take the exam should be taken by those who truly want to work with Dowango.

Japanese collage students traditionally apply for 30 to 100 information session, forums or interviews of jobs by an year before their graduation.

新卒入社試験に受験料「2525円」 ドワンゴの「一石を投じる」試みに賛否 ―ITmediaニュース

Number of Japanese Facebook users in a steep decline

Increasing workers and decreasing full time workers

630,000 are "NEET" among the Japanese young

One out of five workers is over 60

Google.co.jp Yearly Search Word Ranking 2012