
One out of five workers is over 60

The number of employments who are sixty years old or older in 2012 rose by 170,000 from the previous year to 11,920,000, marking the largest continuously six years, according to the Research of Labor Force of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

- 19.0% of Japanese workers is over sixty.
- The number of Japanese workers over sixty has risen by 3.1 million for the past ten years.
- 57.7% of Japanese population aged between 60 to 64 is working.

働くシニア1192万人 6年連続最多更新 就業者の2割 総務省調査 ―MSN産経ニュース

Next 50 years, which Japanese companies will survive?

Japanese salary in 2012 was the lowest in 22 years

110 applicants for 1060 jobs. Welfare job meeting in Kagawa

Japan 101st on WEF "The Global Gender Gap Report"

Over 2.12M people on welfare


Next 50 years, which Japanese companies will survive?

Honda "CIVIC(1972)"

Which Japanese companies will survive through the next 50 years?
Risk Monster acquired one thousand valid responses on the internet from knowledgeable people aged between 20 and 59, and people aged between 60 and 69.


Anime that made us cry

Which anime did make fans cry?
On AnimeOne website, 7008 user votes are collected from anime fans.


Japan became the largest music market

International Federation of Phonogram and Videogram Producers(IFPI) on April 8th announced that Japan became the largest market of music software sales in the world including CDs and music data downloads in 2012.
Japan sold 4.3 billion dollars of music software in last year, the United States on the other hands sold 4.1 billion dollars.
Mr. Children's "[(an imitation) blood orange]" selling about 1.3 million disks acquired the 29th place in the best-selling album rankings, which is the highest among Japanese artists.

日本が音楽ソフト・配信で1位に、2012年売上が米国上回る ―INTERNET Watch

[SONY WALKMAN] music and swimming

Dowango Mobile 2012 Anime song download ranking

Apple's "Siri" will make CD debut

AKB48 overpowers on Single CD Sales Rankings 2012 - Oricon

Which songs are the most popular at karaoke house?("hitokara") -JOYSOUND


2012 car sales ranking in Japan

The domestic sales rankings of the new cars in 2012 was revealed on April 4th.
In addition to small and cheap kei-cars, hybrid cars sold great numbers receiving the benefit of government's tax reduction for environmentally friendly vehicles.


New "Dragon Ball Z" film gathers 1M viewers in 6 days

Anime movie "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods" unveiled at 312 theatres across Japan on Saturday of March 30th marked over 500,000 viewers and 680 million yen of box office revenue in the weekend.
It at the point of April 3rd recording 988,790 viewers and 1,146,467,600 yen of box office revenue, ensured reaching a million viewers by April 4th. It would be the fastest pace among the films of this year to top a million viewers.

映画「ドラゴンボールZ」今年最速!公開6日間で100万人突破へ! ―livedoorニュース

KFC x Dragon Ball Z, Colonel Sanders in the battle suit

Amazon.co.jp 2012 Best Seller Anime DVD/BD Ranking

The best heroine in Japanese anime history -NHK Shibuya Animeland

Dowango Mobile 2012 Anime song download ranking

"HMV BEST OF 2012" Anime DVD/BD sales rankings


Ministry of Finance doesn't issue 2,000 yen bills

Ministry of Finance Japan does not issue 2,000 yen bills this year. It issued 770 million copies of the bill for the first time in 2000, then in 2003 issued 110 million. However, it would be ten years since it stopped making the new bills.
1.05 billion 10,000 yen bills, 380 million 5,000 yen bills and 1.72 billion 1,000 yen bills will be issued in this financial year.

2千円札、10年連続で製造せず…財務省 ―YOMIURI ONLINE

Japanese salary in 2012 was the lowest in 22 years

Educational expenses of Japanese family is 1.91M yen

Annual income of Japanese keeps dropping

Japanese educational expenses outside schools

Japanese 20s lose over 20M yen by subscribing for the Welfare Pension